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9 spring pest control tips and repairs

Spring is here, which means warmer days are ahead! To many people, spring and summer are the most enjoyable times during the year when you can sit outside, and enjoy those long, warm days. But, there’s something out there waiting to spoil your summer fun… pests! But don’t fret! We have some pest control tips that you can add to your spring cleaning list so you can stay relaxed all season long.

Family watering sunny spring garden

Spring and summer pests

As the seasons change, so do the pests that inhabit our homes and gardens. Autumn and winter are prime times for rodentsbed bugs, and fleas, while spring and summer are ruled by stinging and biting insects just to name a few. Here are some of the most common pest offenders in the warmer months:

As spring and summer are both popular times for people to take a vacation and visit other states and countries, bed bugs can also be a problem during these months. As travel increases, bed bug infestations start to grow.

Spring and summer pest control tips

In the spring and summer, there is a range of different pests looking to invade your home. Prevention is key for keeping nuisance pests out of your home during the warmer months. Here are some prevention tips and home repairs you can implement to help keep these pests away.

1. Roof

A damaged roof can provide pests with immediate access to your home. Repairing a damaged roof can help prevent beeshornetswasps, and termites from gaining access to your home. To prevent these types of pests from coming in follow the pest control tips below: 

  • Repair damaged roof tiles
  • Fill cracks in with roofing cement
  • Make sure drain pipes are clear of debris and standing water
  • Check the overhang of the roof and in between roof tiles for nests
Broken rooftop

2. Air vents

Air vents can provide an easy entry point for pests like antstermites, and wasps to gain access to your home. During the springtime when termite swarms start, air vents can make your home quite vulnerable to infestations. To prevent these pests from coming in:

  • Install mesh air brick ventilation covers
Air vent on the side of a house

3. Attic

Your attic is an ideal place for hornetstermites, and wasps to set up camp and build their nests. The exposed wood beams and any cardboard boxes can be an excellent source of food. Follow these pest control tips to help prevent these pests from coming in:

  • Store items in plastic boxes
  • Regularly inspect attic beams for termite damage by pressing your thumb on the timber to test if it feels soft and spongy
Junk clustered in the attic

4. Bedroom

Bedrooms can be a prime spot for pest activity of all kinds from bed bugs, flies, and mosquitoes to termites and wasps. For some pests, like bed bugs, it can be a source of both food and refuge. Follow the tips below to present infestations from these nuisance pests:

  • Keep windows and doors shut
  • If windows are open, have screens in place and make sure there aren’t any holes in the screens
  • Reduce the amount of wooden furniture
  • Keep furniture away from walls
  • Regularly inspect for termite activity
  • Check beds, pillows, mattresses, bed frames and carpet for signs of bed bugs
  • Wash bed linens at a high temperature of at least 140℉, ideally for 90 minutes
  • Vacuum regularly
Modern spotless bedroom

5. Windows

Left open, windows make a great entry route for pests to come into your home. Ants, bees, flies​​​​​​​, hornets, mosquitoes, termites, and wasps can all easily access the inside of your home through an open window. The tips below may seem like common sense, but we have to mention them, as they are the easiest prevention method for keeping pests out in the warmer months:

  • Keep windows shut, especially during swarming periods for ants and termites
  • Ensure window and door screens don’t have any holes or tears in them
  • Install a fly screen to prevent flying insects
View outside windows into trees

6. Garden

Gardens can act as a giant magnet for pests like ants, bees, flies, hornets, mosquitoes, termites, wasps, and even ticks. Gardens are the perfect spot for pests to relax as they are full of food, places to live, and breeding areas. Follow the pest control tips below to keep these pests away from your garden:

  • Remove standing water from buckets and other containers
  • Remove unwanted tree stumps
  • Keep piles of wood elevated and away from the foundations of your home
  • Keep shrubbery and vegetation to a minimum
  • Use mulch made from plastic, rubber, and gravel instead of wood
  • Seal cracks in patios
  • Keep compost in a container with a tight lid
  • Check the garden regularly
Woman planting flowers in the spring

7. Garage

Garages provide antshornetstermites, and wasps with a place to nest and act as a stepping stone into your home. To keep these pests out:

  • Check corners for wasps and hornet nests
  • Repair any damages to the infrastructure
  • Make sure the garage is free from moisture
  • Store items in plastic boxes and, ideally, off the floor
  • Ensure all entrances to your home are properly sealed
House garage view from front lawn

8. Kitchen

Kitchens are an ideal place for pests like antsfliestermites, and wasps to forage for food. The abundance of crumbs and stocked pantries turn your kitchen into a free all-you-can-eat buffet for pests. To keep pests out of your kitchen in the spring, follow these pest control tips:

  • Empty garbage cans daily
  • Check pipes for leakage, and repair if necessary
  • Keep work surfaces clean and free from spillage and crumbs
  • Store food in airtight containers
  • Empty litter trays regularly
  • Don’t leave pet food out when temperatures are high
Clean kitchen sink with flowers

9. Garbage cans

If there’s one thing that pests like flieshornets, and wasps love, it’s trash. Garbage cans left outside act as an open invitation to a five-star restaurant for pests. Follow the pest control tips below to keep pests out of your trash:

  • Do not overfill cans
  • Ensure all bins have tight-fitting lids
  • Don’t leave garbage cans outside
Elderly man putting bins out

Worried about pests this spring and summer?

Pests are a pain when they come into your home, but by following these tips and taking advantage of our PestFree365+ service, they don’t have to be! Contact us for expert advice and solutions on how to get rid of pests in your home and garden. An Ehrlich Technician will discuss what we can do for you to make sure your spring and summer are pest-free.

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