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Vegetation Management Services

Ehrlich’s vegetation management service (VMS) will eliminate weeds or unwanted plants around your facility, highway, or railway. Not only is unwanted vegetation unattractive, it can also pose serious health, fire and safety hazards.

Additional services

Our technical expertise has always been a key element of our business, enabling us to deliver professional services to protect your business.

What types of weeds and vegetation can Ehrlich control?

  • Vegetation is usually classified as either:

  • Desirable – turf, shrubs and ornamental trees
  • Undesirable – unwanted plant growth and weeds

When vegetation is in an unsafe or unattractive location, it is considered an undesirable weed. Ehrlich’s VMS technicians can control any type of undesirable vegetation.

Our 3 service programs:

  • Bare ground programs - total vegetation control.
  • Bare ground programs - for total vegetation control in sensitive areas adjacent to desirable vegetation or water
  • Selective broad leaf weed and brush control - to control undesirable vegetation while allowing grasses to remain and prevent erosion

Benefits of vegetation management

  • Eliminates harborage areas for micerats and other pests.
  • Improves safety for employees and customers by removing hazards contributing to safer work environments.
  • Reduces labor and equipment needs required to hand trim fence line and building perimeters Improve accessibility by opening access to transformers, fuel storage areas, fire hydrants, emergency exits, etc.
  • Removes dangerous and invasive plants such as poison ivy, multi-flora rose, sumac and other irritant and allergy causing vegetation.
  • Reduces fire hazards.
  • Improves facility aesthetics and appearance.
  • Provides a cost savings alternative by reducing labor to outside facility and grounds maintenance.

While a single pest sighting does not always mean control is needed, implementing a comprehensive pest control program alongside vegetation management can help maintain a safe and pest-free environment.

Why choose Ehrlich?

  • Founded in 1962, Ehrlich’s VMS service is customized to meet your needs.

  • Ehrlich’s vegetation management specialists carefully evaluate each situation to select the most appropriate materials.
  • We will aim to provide season-long control of any unwanted vegetation, even in sensitive areas such as ditch banks, schools and parks. Our services can also complement moisture control services, ensuring that excess water does not contribute to vegetation or pest problems.
  • Ehrlich’s close relationship with suppliers ensures that we are always up to date with the newest, most effective products within the industry.

Call us today at 800-837-5520 to get more information about our Vegetation Management Service.

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