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Heat treatment

Heat treatment is used for the sterilization and / or devitalization of both imported and exported goods without the use of toxic gases. It is an environmentally friendly solution that is safe and harmless to your goods and products.

Goods suitable for this treatment include bird seeds, grains, herbs, bark products, Bali grass thatching, water hyacinth and moss products.

With export packaging guidelines that came into effect in early to mid-2004, exporters have the option for fumigation, heat treatment or kiln drying.

Our experience at Ehrlich shows that due to the damaging affects of Methyl Bromide on the Ozone layer, some countries prefer heat treated timber packaging.


Ehrlich’s heat treatment services

We can provide U.S. companies a service for some products that have to be heat treated before they can go interstate or to the public.

We can offer two types of heat treatment facilities: Dry Heat treatment and Moist Heat treatment.

  • All our ovens use convection heating technology to minimize as far as possible any chance of the product being burnt or ignited.
  • We have been heat treating for over 15 years and we have never had a burnt product.

Call Ehrlich at 800-837-5520 to schedule an appointment to discuss your requirements for heat treatment or fumigation.

Dry heat treatment

Dry heat treatment is the most common use of oven treatment.

Personal effects are heat treated to ensure there is no foreign product coming into the U.S. to affect our flora and fauna.

How it works

  • This process involves drilling a hole in the product so that a probe can be inserted.
  • Even though treatment is only for 30 minutes, it can take quite a few hours to reach the core temperature. This could possibly cause the product to crack, although we attempt to reduce this chance by bringing goods to temperature slowly.

Moist heat treatment

We use this treatment in conjunction with U.S. standards to devitalize products for import and export.

How it works

  • Moist heat treatment is a heat process similar to dry heat but involves the adding of a minimum of 50% humidity.
  • The moisture generated from the heat treatment penetrates the product and due to the temperature kills the pest.
  • Some time may be required after moist treatment for dry treatment to be done to ensure the product does not go moldy.

Call us on 800-837-5520 or contact us online to discuss our range of heat treatments.

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