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Bat removal and control | Ehrlich Pest Control

Although bats can be menaces, they are beneficial to our ecosystem and should be treated humanely. While some people wonder "are bats rodents", the answer is no – bats are not rodents. They belong to a different order of mammals called Chiroptera. Each state has its own regulations, and special permits are required for professionals carrying out bat control.

Ehrlich offers expert bat removal services for all homes & businesses, carried out by licensed professionals. Bats are known to carry a few diseases, such as rabies, that may affect humans, so it is important to know how to get rid of bats safely.

Signs of bats

Homeowners may find bats living on the external side of their home, under the eaves. From here, bats may gain access to the interior of your property via small openings in the arches and inhabit a loft space.

Bats found inside or around the home could become very inconvenient to homeowners for several reasons. Here are some of the most common signs of bats in your home:

Bat droppings (guano)

Bat droppings look like small, dark pellets that crumble and turn to dust when touched. However, you should avoid contact with the guano and do not inhale the surrounding air when near it. Bat droppings are typically found underneath the roost and below the areas where they access the roost. A bat’s feces can carry a fungus known to cause histoplasmosis and Cryptococcus.

Bat odor

Bat urine emits a very strong and offensive odor, which could linger inside your home. If you have an infestation of bats, the smell can become very musty and will resemble the smell of ammonia. Unfortunately, you may not notice the bat odor smell right away, as it is not very pungent at first.


Bats can leave visible grease marks around the area they are inhabiting. These stains are brown in appearance and are from an oily substance secreted by the bat’s skin. Stains are typically found on the walls where bats are gaining entrance.

Bat bugs

A bat roost can harbor other parasites such as the bat bug. Bat bugs are small, brown, and oval shaped in appearance. They can move into other living quarters of a home, and they can easily be confused with bed bugs. Although these parasites may bite, bat bugs are unlikely to transmit any diseases.

Ill or injured bats

Finding ill or injured bats is a telltale sign of a bat infestation. A sick bat may struggle to fly and appear confused or disoriented. Avoid handling an ill or injured bat as they can become easily agitated and will probably try to bite you.

How to get rid of bats

Ehrlich’s bat control programs are designed to relocate bats and not harm them. It is illegal to trap or intentionally harm or kill bats, so our bat control process enables them to exit the structure humanely without allowing them to find their way back in.

Our bat removal service primarily involves funneling and/or exclusion. We recommend exclusion and funneling to eliminate bats inside your home and to prohibit further access in the future. Full house exclusion is the best option for complete bat removal.

We advise homeowners to get rid of bats humanely and efficiently with the help of a licensed professional. Call us today at 800-837-5520 for further advice on how to get rid of bats or to arrange a FREE pest inspection.


Funneling includes the installation of a mesh webbed netting that is hung over primary openings. This will allow bats to exit a property but not to re-enter. The netting is left in place for up to 14 days to ensure all the bats have left your home.


After funneling is executed, exclusion services will start. For bat exclusion, a permanent screening method will be put in place to block off the opening. Approved building materials, such as caulk and copper gauze, will be used to provide permanent exclusion.

When can you remove bats?

Bat remediation start and stop times are set by the states and vary widely from state to state. Bat removal can be done before the young are born, usually between April and May, and after the juveniles can fly, usually between August and October. In all states, it’s illegal to disturb or exclude maternal colonies because they are federally protected.

Bat removal is also contingent on the nighttime weather and temperatures. When the temperatures drop below 60 degrees, nighttime flying insect activity drops, which causes bat activity to drop. This makes it more difficult to remove bats because they are not coming out at night to feed.

Why is there a specific timeframe for bat removal?

Starting exclusion too early in the season can trap bats inside a home, leading to more problems. If bats are trapped, they will end up dying, creating a foul odor throughout your home. Starting bat removal early can also cause flightless young bats to be trapped inside. This will result in more female bats flying around the outside of your house trying to find another way to gain access to their young.

If you find bats hibernating in your home during the winter months, contact us before you try any DIY control methods. Our wildlife pest control services ensure humane removal and prevention.

Ehrlich wildlife control

Wildlife control involves the capture and removal of nuisance animals on your property. Our wlidlife removal services include trapping, exclusion and one way doors. Our highly trained wildlife experts can help you tackle common property invaders from bats and squirrels, to mole control and dealing with tricky raccoons.

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