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It is rare to see snakes in the U.S. If you do spot one, it will usually be between July and September when they are at their most active.
Typically gardens with extensive secluded wildlife areas will have snakes. In most garden areas if snakes are seen, they are most likely just passing through.
There are a few hard to spot signs of snakes that you can look out for if you have concerns. These include:
Call Ehrlich today for advice and to schedule a snake inspection of your home or business or contact us now.
There are certain places where snakes may like to hide on your property.
Reptiles are timid and will usually flee to seek cover if they are detected by people or pets
To deter snakes there are a few things you can do:
If the snake you’ve seen is an escaped pet, it should be removed by professionals.
Sometimes exotic snakes are found in gardens, grounds or warehouses – mostly in urban or suburban areas. These species may be escaped or abandoned pets or accidentally imported in goods. For more information, please see our snake control page.