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How ‘snake proof’ is your house? Are you aware that a snake, particularly the thinner ones, can get in to your home through a gap the size of a biro or pencil – as can a mouse! Knowing the signs of a snake in your house can help you act quickly, as snakes might leave behind shed skin, small tracks, or droppings.
Also remember that snakes can swim and climb so carefully inspect your house and garage outbuildings.
You may purchase any number of DIY Products to help you seal any obvious snake entry points or Ehrlich Pest Control can inspect your premises and advise you on proofing against entry by snakes.
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What to look for when inspecting your property:
In the unfortunate event that you encounter snake activity, it’s helpful to know what a snake bite might look like. Snake bites typically feature two small puncture wounds, often spaced a short distance apart, which can help identify the culprit in case of a bite.
Before looking at ways to prevent snakes getting in to your house you should ensure that your yard is not a haven for snakes to take up residence because they would then be much more likely to make their way into your house or garage you may have.
Ehrlich technicians are skilled, experienced professionals – they are state certified, licensed applicators and are required to participate in regular training programs to maintain their expertise. They understand the habits of each species and use that knowledge when developing a snake control program for your home. They also have respect for you, your home, your family and your time.
At Ehrlich Pest Control, we pride ourselves on fast, responsive service every day. We are always available 24 hours a day for any emergency pest concerns that may develop and all appointments are scheduled at times that are convenient for you our customer. If you would like further advice or to arrange a free pest inspection by an Ehrlich technician, call us free at 800-837-5520.