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Do cockroaches bite?


Cockroaches are everywhere. The only places in the world which do not have a roach population are Antarctica and the Arctic. There are numerous species of cockroaches that come in various sizes and shapes. These hardy insects are prodigious at reproducing, and any type of cockroach infestation can quickly overwhelm a household. Cockroaches are notorious for being unsanitary, and their tendency to inhabit garbage and other potential bacterial contaminants can make food preparation areas that become roach-infested unusable.

The question we often get asked is, do cockroaches bite?
The short answer is: sometimes. However, you may be curious to know how often cockroaches bite people and how risky it is to have cockroaches around children, pets, and other people?

If you have a cockroach problem, get rid of cockroaches by contacting Ehrlich Pest Control. We will remove the existing cockroaches and offer solutions to prevent cockroaches from returning.

Cockroach mouthparts

Cockroaches do have mouths, of course, but they prefer to use them to eat soft things like fruits and meats. The pests will gladly roam through dumpsters looking for scraps of food and have no problem scrounging through the most disgusting things humans cast aside to find food. 

However, cockroaches have mouthparts that are very much like other insects and are composed of several moving parts, including:

  • Labrum - the front part of the mouth. Since roaches do not have hands, they have to pull their intended food toward their mouths using this part of their mouth.
  • Mandibles - when you are talking about insect jaws, you are talking about the mandibles. Mandibles are found on most insects and are the parts that tear apart the food into smaller pieces so the insects can then pull them into their throats.
  • Maxillae - basically the teeth of the roach. These are secondary chewing parts that further grind down the food into smaller and smaller pieces so they can be pulled into the digestive areas for nutritional purposes.
  • Labium - if you had to draw a comparison between a human mouth and that of a roach, this would be the lips. Of course, roaches don't really have lips, but this part of the mouth closes up the chewing cavity and prevents food from falling out.
Brown cockroach

When do cockroaches bite?

It is important to point out that cockroaches do not normally bite. You are much more likely to be stung by a bee or wasp, bitten by bed bugs, or bitten by a mosquito than you are a cockroach. Even spiders bite more people than roaches. Humans are just not generally on the menu for cockroaches. They do not carry venom to inject into people or live animals. Roaches may infest a home, but they do not work together in colonies the way ants do, so they do not swarm.

However, that is not to say it's impossible for cockroaches to bite. The most likely case for a cockroach bite is in a place where the infestation is exceptionally bad. A building or home that has become completely infested with hundreds of cockroaches may present a problem for the insects because they may run out of other food sources. In this case, it's possible cockroaches may take a bite of a person.

Cockroaches have been known to go after extremities. They will bite hair or try to chew on eyelashes, for example. There are stories of ancient ships that became so infested with so many roaches in such a confined space that sailors had their eyelashes chewed off by the insects. They have even been known to bite fingernails.

However, a cockroach is also not above trying to use all of those mouthparts listed above to take a bite out of someone's skin. These instances are rare, but it can happen.

What do cockroach bites look like?

A bite from a cockroach is likely going to appear as a red bump much like other insect bites. The bite area may itch and it may also swell up much like mosquito bites. If they are washed with soap and kept clean, there is likely to be no risk, but if conditions are bad enough for a cockroach infestation where the insects are biting, infections are possible.

Cockroach bites are not going to contain venom because roaches are not venomous. However, if you are sensitive to insect bites, there may be some concerns. Plus, cockroaches are known to carry bacteria that can lead to infection.

If you are bitten by a cockroach and are concerned at all about your reaction to the bite due to excessive itching, redness, or swelling, seek medical attention.

Cockroach on grey background

How do I know if it's a roach bite?

Cockroach bites are often mistaken for other insect bites, such as those from bed bugs or mosquitoes. However, if you are experiencing red bumps accompanied by itching and irritation, and you know you have a cockroach infestation, it’s possible that a roach may have bitten you. Roaches are nocturnal, so bites often occur when the person is asleep at night.

What happens if a cockroach bites you?

Cockroach bites can cause some discomfort, but they are generally not dangerous. 

However, there are a few things to be aware of if a cockroach bites you:

Where do roaches bite?

Cockroaches typically bite areas like fingers, hands, toes, or even the face, including near the mouth or eyelashes. They tend to target these areas because of their moisture and potential for food remnants. 

Can you get diseases from roach bites?

While cockroach bites themselves do not transmit diseases, the real health risks come from cockroaches' bacteria and allergens. Roaches are known to scavenge through garbage, sewage, and other unsanitary places, and they can transfer bacteria through their saliva, feces, and even their bodies. If a cockroach bite becomes infected, it may lead to further complications that require medical treatment.

Do roach cockroach bites hurt?

Cockroach bites can cause some discomfort but are not typically painful. The sensation is typically more similar to that of a mosquito bite—itchy and irritating rather than especially painful.

Cockroach bites treatment

If you are bitten by a cockroach, it is essential to clean the area thoroughly with soap and water to help prevent infection. Keep an eye on the bite for signs of infection, and if symptoms worsen, seek medical attention immediately.

How long does it take for a roach bite to go away?

Most cockroach bites will heal on their own within a few days. Symptoms such as redness, itching, and mild swelling should subside after a few days to a week. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare professional.

Ehrlich Pest Control removes roaches

The best way to avoid cockroach bites is to call the professionals at your local Ehrlich Pest Control office. Our cockroach pest control specialists are trained to identify what type of roaches you are seeing and where they are coming from. That knowledge, combined with our treatment methods, allows our pest specialists to find their hiding places and offer an effective treatment to eliminate the roaches in the house.

Ehrlich Pest Control also offers solutions for both homes and businesses to help prevent cockroaches from coming back. Stop roaches from becoming a bigger problem and reduce the risk of being bitten by a cockroach by contacting Ehrlich Pest Control today.

Frequently asked questions

Can cockroaches make you sick?

Yes, cockroaches can spread bacteria, viruses, and allergens that may cause illnesses like food poisoning (Salmonella, E. coli), and respiratory issues like asthma. Their saliva and feces can contaminate surfaces and food.

Is it safe to sleep in a house with cockroaches?

Sleeping in a home with cockroaches poses health risks, as these pests are active at night and can contaminate bedding and surfaces with bacteria and allergens, leading to infections or allergic reactions.

If you're dealing with a cockroach infestation and find it challenging to eliminate them, contact your local Ehrlich cockroach experts. Our professionals can help to eliminate the pests and protect your home from future infestations.

How long does it take to get sick from cockroaches?

Depending on exposure, cockroach contamination can cause illness within hours to days. Consuming contaminated food can cause symptoms quickly, while respiratory issues from allergens can develop almost immediately or worsen with prolonged exposure.

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