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Despite the fact that northern giant hornet, formerly known as the Asian giant hornet, activity has only occurred in two areas – northwest Washington state and British Columbia – people across North America continue to report “murder hornet” sightings. And, the season for stinging insect activity has just begun.
At a glance, it’s difficult to tell the difference between stinging insects; especially when they’re buzzing about, extra-large in size, and somewhat intimidating. This is why so many people are mistakenly identifying larger species of hornets, such as the cicada killer, for the murder hornet.
To avoid misidentifications and ease peoples’ fears that murder hornets have not migrated to their state, Ehrlich’s entomologists have provided you with some helpful key differences that don’t require you to get up close and personal with either of these giants.
When these insects are flying, it can be hard to see their distinct colors and patterns. But when they’re not, you should easily be able to identify the features that set them apart.
In the images below, you will notice that the cicada killer has broken bands of yellow that stand out against its black abdomen and a small brown head. The murder hornet has solid bands of brown and orange on its abdomen and a large orange head.
Besides the differences in their coloring and patterns, there are several other important factors that set these two stinging pests apart.
Cicada killer: Nests are built underground in areas that offer well-drained soil, full exposure to the sun, and near cicada-harboring trees.
Murder hornet: Nests are built underground, oftentimes using abandoned animal tunnels and burrows or near decaying tree roots.
Cicada killer: Early July - mid August
Murder hornet: June - September
Cicada killer: 1 ½ inch long
Murder hornet: 1 ½ to 2 inches long
Cicada killer: Amber-colored wings, legs, and thorax; small brown head; black abdomen with broken yellow bands
Murder hornet: Amber-colored wings; bright orange head; black thorax; alternating bands of orange and brown on abdomen
Cicada killer: Females are solitary (no queen, workers or drones) and don’t instinctively protect their nests. Males do not have a stinger, but they will show aggressive behavior and can often be seen hovering above lawns.
Murder hornet: These social insects live in large colonies made up of a queen, workers, and drones.
Cicada killer: The risk of a person being stung is very low. They will sting and paralyze annual cicadas, using them as food for their developing larvae. Unlike murder hornets, cicada killers are not a threat to honey bees, people, or other insects.
Murder hornet: If you get near a nest, your risk of being stung is high. The ¼-inch stinger can easily penetrate through thick protective material, making them especially dangerous to people. Murder hornets are notorious for decimating honey bee populations.
Cicada killer: States with a steady source of annual cicadas: Eastern U.S., east of the Rockies and Western U.S.
Murder hornet: Not established in the U.S. In 2019 two were discovered in Northwest Washington state and a colony was found and destroyed in British Columbia.
Cicada killer: To deter them from building nests in your yard, keep soil damp and packed down, mulch planting beds, and keep grass on the longer side.
Murder hornet: This species has not become established. In Washington state, you can report sightings or submit photos to the Washington State Department of Agriculture.
If you’re in a state that is experiencing the Brood X cicada emergence of 2021, there’s no need to worry about swarms of cicada killers invading your town. Cicada killers will only go after annual cicadas that emerge every year. Learn more about Brood X cicadas.
It may seem like a good idea to blast a wasp or hornet nest from afar, using an over-the-counter spray, but more often than not, this approach backfires. Every year, stinging insects send more than 500,000 people to the hospital. Avoid your risk of being stung by calling a pest control professional for help.
If you have issues with stinging insect activity in or around your home, contact us online or call 888-984-0186. We can safely remove hives, apply treatments to prevent them from coming back, and seal up any holes or entry points where they may be gaining access to the inside of your home. Ehrlich Technicians are fully licensed to handle all types of stinging insect problems, no matter the size—ensuring you enjoy a safe, sting-free summer.
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