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Spider bites are a real concern for parents of young children and families that keep pets.

Venomous spiders, in general, will typically not bite you unless they feel threatened or provoked. Most spider bites are not considered to be harmful to humans.

Very few spider bites result in victims requiring urgent medical attention or treatment. However, North America does have a couple of spiders that can cause some real harm to animals and humans if bitten.

If you have been noticing a lot of spiders around your home and property and are worried about spider bites to pets, family or yourself, then contact the spider control and removal specialists at Ehrlich Pest Control today.

What do spider bites look like?

Spider bites can look very different depending on the species of spider that caused the bite. There will usually not be “fang marks” unless caused by a larger species with more prominent fangs.“Fang marks” have been known to be visible from a Black Widow bite.

Brown Recluse bite is sometimes known to be “necrotic” which means it causes rotting of the flesh around the area. This can spread unless treated.

If you are bitten by a spider and seek medical attention, it’s important to try and capture the spider and bring it with you to the doctor. They can change and tailor the treatment depending on species.

Spider bite symptoms

There are a variety of possible symptoms of spider bite depending on the species of spider.

Most of the time, the spider bite itself is not felt at the time. The fangs of the average house spider are very tiny. Also, most spiders that homeowners run across do not even inject venom and give what are known as “dry bites” since venom is used for food rather than offensive means.

There are venomous spiders out there, such as the Black Widow and Brown Recluse, and they can have symptoms such as:

  • Sweats
  • Chills
  • Body aches
  • Stomach and leg cramps
  • Rapid pulse or heart palpitations
  • Tiredness

The Brown Recluse bite can also produce intense pain and the area around the bite may turn red or “necrotic” and that may spread.

Allergic reactions might include:

  • Intense itching that does not go away
  • Hives
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness

Do spider bites itch?

Sometimes the spider bites can itch. They are generally not as bad as tickflea or mosquito bites, however. Generally it does not last long and will not be a problem.

Small spider bites

Generally, the spider bite is a small red bump. And most of the time, a spider bite has no symptoms save for a small mark.

Spider bite treatment

If you are bitten by a spider, most of the time you will not experience any symptoms. Only very rarely does a spider bite need medical attention or serious treatment. However, if you are allergic to other stinging insects, it is possible you could have an allergic reaction.

Generally, keeping a spider bite cleaned using soap and water is enough to heal the bite. The mark usually disappears within a couple days. If it itches, anti-itch cream found over-the-counter at most pharmacies can be used.

The exact treatment can depend on the species of spider. That’s why, if you are bitten, and start to have symptoms like those listed above, it is critical to try and capture the spider and to bring it with so the doctor knows what treatments to give.

If you have any allergic reactions or show symptoms above from the bite of a Black Widow or Brown Recluse, you should immediately consult a physician. Special 

Spider bites in the United States

Black Widow Spider Bites

Black Widow Spider Bites

Adult Black Widow spiders are not naturally aggressive towards people.

  • They only bite as a defensive measure if they feel threatened.
  • Most defensive bites to people occur when the spider is unintentionally squeezed or pinched.
  • Bites may result in localized pain, tingling and small swelling around the bite.
  • Occasionally more serious symptoms can occur but are usually an exceptional reaction of the individual to the spider’s venom.
Brown Recluse Spider Bites

Brown Recluse Spider Bites

They only bite when crushed, handled or disturbed. Both sexes are venomous.

  • Reactions to bites will vary - some people are unaffected, others may feel a pinprick, others a stinging sensation followed by intense pain.
  • Some people may not be aware of the bite for 2 to 8 hours.
Hobo Spider Bites

Hobo Spider Bites

Although not proven, it is suggested that the bite of adult hobo spiders can have similar effects of brown recluse spider bites. 

  • Hobo spiders can be found in places that have cracks and crevices where they can hide. 
  • Hobo spiders are poor climbers and most commonly found in basements and cellars. 
  • Male hobo spiders are responsible for more bites as they wander into buildings during their early-autumn mating season. 
  • Circumstantial evidence suggests the bite of male hobo spiders is more toxic than females. 
  • Hobo spiders are most commonly encountered in Northwestern states in the U.S. but is rapidly expanding its range in recent years.

In addition to potentially dangerous spiders, there are many commonly encountered spider species whose bite are not considered medically important. Spiders with non-serious bites in the U.S. include house spiders, cellar spiders, daddy long legs, wolf spiders and many more.

Are you worried about spider bites?

Sometimes the best way to avoid a spider infestation is by keeping spiders away from your home or business.

If you have spotted signs of spiders in your home or business and want to avoid being bitten, we can offer professional treatments for complete removal of your problem.

Call Ehrlich today at 800-837-5520 to discuss our spider control treatments.

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If you are seeing a lot of spiders you might have a spider infestation. Learn more about it here.