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Professional rat removal is the quickest and most effective way to get rid of rats. Expert services offer a reliable form of rat control and a long term solution to a rat infestation.
Finding rats in your home and hearing suspicious noises coming from your roof or behind your walls can be very frightening. Rats discovered in business premises too can pose a real threat to stored products and damage to property.
On top of the health hazard, rats have also been known to cause fires by chewing through wiring. They can even gnaw through wood, plastics and mild steel.
Solutions can vary greatly depending on the species infesting your home or business. You need to be sure you have a rat problem and not a mouse infestation.
The situation can be even more challenging as rats are nocturnal; making it unlikely that you will actually spot a live rat. However, once spotted, rats are easy to identify. Black rats have a pointed nose, large ears and a slender body while brown rats have a rounded nose, small ears and a thicker body.
Knowing the signs of a rat problem is just as critical as being able to correctly identify a visible rat. Correct identification will help you to choose the most effective control method, helping to save you time, money and worry.
When it comes to getting rid of rats, there are two methods: DIY or hire a professional.
The DIY option requires you to purchase and correctly use rat control products.
The professional option requires you to hire a pest controller to get rid of the problem for you.
If you decide to control a rat problem on your own, you have a few basic and cheap options available.
You could buy some traps from a local hardware store. There is a wide range of traps available from enclosed to wooden options. You can even buy specific baits to lure them to your traps.
Home improvement is another key action. This should involve preventing access to rats.
Although a DIY solution is a cheaper alternative to professional treatment, it does have some risks.
When you have rats in your home or business, it is important to take action quickly. While there are different DIY options available, it is important to know that they don't always work. There are several benefits to calling in the professionals to take care of your rat problem.
To find the right professional pest control company, you need to ensure the entire organization, as well as the pest control technicians are able to fulfill key criteria.
You should expect the same level of competence and duty of care as provided by any other professional service provider.
A good pest partner should be able to anticipate and answer all your health and safety concerns. Services and treatments should be tailored to suit your needs as much as possible.
Crucially a professional should also respect your home, property or business site and operate with the greatest care and attention. He or she should be able to voice any challenges or restrictions right from the start. Equally, as a customer, you should always feel able to voice any concerns and ask as many questions as you need to.
Key criteria for Selection:
At Ehrlich, our qualified local specialists are backed by global knowledge and innovation. We have the expertise to offer specialized rat control to your home or business, which can guarantee fast removal through the use of safe and targeted treatments.
We can use our rat bait stations developed in-house to successfully control a large infestation.
If you have spotted signs of a rat infestation, such as droppings or an unpleasant urine smell, it is time to get professional treatment.
Need to get rid of rats in your home or business? Contact Ehrlich today at 800-837-5520 for fast, effective treatments.
Rats are very good at climbing. Roof rats (as indicated by their name) are experts at climbing. Their tiny claws help them scale the sides of houses in search of points of entry. Roof rats will also use trees near the property to clamor up branches to get across to the roof. Once on a roof, rats can use their claws and teeth to chew holes right through roofing tiles and get inside your attic.
Rats get into your attic because they are looking for a warm place to make a nest with easy access to food. Once they make a nest in your home, they can breed and raise their young. With multiple rats in your attic, they can cause quite a bit of damage. They can chew through just about everything. Their teeth are strong and they can easily chew through wood and drywall. They will also chew through electrical wiring and wiring insulation, creating an electrical fire hazard.
That's just the start. Rats are also known be carriers of various diseases from Bubonic plague to hantavirus. They leave feces, urine and other messes behind, all of which can be a health hazard. Plus, they breed quickly and you can soon end up with rats running up and down inside the walls, in your basement and all around the house.
Rats inside homes need to be removed quickly and steps put in place to stop them from returning. To keep your home and family safe, it's best to call in experts who can find their hiding spots, provide effective treatment and keep rats away from your home.