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Fleas have been around for a long, long time and have been an annoyance for people and animals for all of that time. If you have had to deal with fleas in your home, more than likely it's because you have pets and you have had to get them flea treatments like flea combs or flea medicine to remove or prevent fleas. Perhaps you've had the unfortunate experience of finding a number of fleas on your pet and having to get them washed using a "flea dip" to get rid of them.
Do fleas bite humans? The simple answer to the question of do fleas bite humans is yes - adult fleas can bite humans, even though they prefer animal hosts like dogs and cats.
If you have a problem with a flea infestation around the home, you need to contact your local Ehrlich Pest Control office and set up an appointment to remove the infestation. Our experts can help you effectively remove fleas from your home and keep them from coming back.
Fleas are blood feeders. Female fleas require a blood meal in order to lay eggs. Normally, these insects consume blood and then, 36-48 hours later they lay eggs.
When the flea eggs hatch, the larva will feed on organic debris left behind on their prey's skin. They will not require another blood meal until they reach adulthood and only the females will need to consume blood in order lay more eggs. Fleas grow rapidly and can reproduce rapidly, as well.
Fleas feed on blood and they want blood from mammals. This includes pets, sure, and other animals, but they are more than willing to feed on humans, too. Fleas will bite a human to get at the blood vessels below the skin and their bodies are built to do so.
The first thing you need to understand is how the flea mouthparts work. These parasitic insects have mouths that can pierce the skin and find the blood vessels, making sure that blood flows so they can feed.
A flea's mouth is made of three parts that act like tiny needles. Two of the needles pierce the skin and cut all the way down to the blood vessel. They pry open the wound and then the center needles jab into the blood and start to suck down their meal. Once they do this, their salivary glands open up and use the same mouthparts done for feeding to inject an anticoagulant so the blood will not clot and keep flowing down into their body.
Fleas bite humans primarily when their preferred animal hosts aren’t available. While dog fleas and cat fleas typically target pets, they will feed on humans if they’re hungry and can’t find an animal host. Flea bites on humans often result in itchy, red welts that can take a few days to subside. Some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to flea bites, which can cause additional swelling or discomfort.
Flea bites are usually just red bumps and are often quite itchy to those bitten. The itchiness is a reaction to the saliva injected into the bloodstream and skin. The irritation causes the bumps to get very red, and itching and scratching can put dirt and bacteria on a person's fingers into the wound, which can lead to infection.
There are certain species of fleas that have been known to carry diseases. For example, oriental rat fleas are the infamous carriers of the Bubonic plague. Some species of flea, like the Chigoe flea, carry bacteria, which can lead to serious infections of the wound and it often leads to limb amputation. Cat fleas have also been known to carry bacteria and plague.
Fleas do not live on humans because human skin lacks the dense fur that fleas use for shelter and laying eggs. While fleas can bite humans, they typically don’t thrive or reproduce on us. Fleas prefer furry animals like dogs or cats for a stable environment in which to lay eggs and hide. On human skin, fleas might bite but will soon jump off in search of more suitable hosts. This is why, while fleas may occasionally bite humans, they don’t establish a permanent presence on people.
Fleas can end up on humans in various ways. Pets that spend time outdoors can pick up fleas from tall grass or other animals, and these fleas can then jump from pets to people. Fleas have powerful legs that allow them to jump up to a foot in distance, easily transferring from pets to humans or even from infested furniture. Fleas often hide in carpets, cracks in hardwood floors, and upholstery, waiting for an opportunity to jump onto a person or pet passing by.
Fleas cannot fly. These wingless insects rely on their strong legs to jump long distances, often several inches high and up to a foot across. This ability enables them to move quickly between hosts, making it easy for them to spread.
Fleas have evolved to thrive as parasites, using their powerful legs to hop onto animals and humans. Once they land on a host, they navigate through fur or hair to find optimal spots for feeding on blood, ensuring their survival and reproduction without the need for flight.
Fleas are notoriously tough. They have an hard outer shell, or exoskeleton, which makes getting rid of them very hard. They also are small, can easily hide in carpet fibers or within the cracks and crevices of furniture. This is why the best way to get rid of fleas is to contact an expert in flea removal at Ehrlich Pest Control.
An Ehrlich flea exterminators will listen to what you have to say about where you have seen fleas and figure out how they got into your home, where they are hiding, and the best way to get rid of them. Once we get rid of the fleas, we can help make sure they don't come back.
If you have spotted fleas on your pets or flea bites on your body, contact the local Ehrlich Pest Control office near you today and start the process of ridding yourself of these pests.
Customized, industry-specific treatments to eliminate fleas with minimum disruption
Check for common signs like flea dirt, eggs and scratching pets to see if you have a flea problem
Fleas do not typically stay on humans for long. Unlike animals, humans lack the fur that provides fleas with shelter and a place to lay eggs. When a flea lands on a human, it may bite for a quick meal, but it will usually jump off shortly after. Fleas prefer staying on animals like dogs and cats, where they can hide more easily and have continuous access to a blood meal.
Yes, fleas can attach themselves to clothing and be transported from place to place. If you’ve been in an area with fleas—such as near a pet’s bedding or in an infested home—fleas may cling to your clothes temporarily. However, they do not live on clothes and will eventually jump off to find an animal host if one is available.
While fleas prefer animal hosts, they can travel on humans’ clothing or skin to another location. If you unknowingly bring a flea into another house, it may find and infest pets in that environment. However, it is unlikely that fleas would use humans as a primary mode of transport for long-distance travel, as they will seek animal hosts whenever possible.
There are several insects that resemble fleas but can fly, such as gnats, fruit flies, and fungus gnats. These small flying insects may be mistaken for fleas due to their tiny size and tendency to jump or move quickly. Unlike fleas, however, these pests have wings and can fly short distances.
No, fleas cannot fly. Fleas are wingless insects that rely on their strong legs to jump long distances. Their impressive jumping ability allows them to move quickly between hosts and evade threats, but they do not fly. If you see tiny insects flying around your home, they are likely other pests, such as fruit flies or gnats, rather than fleas.
Fleas generally do not live on humans, but they may bite exposed areas of skin, such as ankles, legs, or arms. Fleas don’t stay in human hair or on the body for extended periods. If fleas do get on a person, they are likely to jump off after feeding or shortly afterward in search of an animal host.
Yes, fleas are visible to the human eye. Adult fleas are typically around 1-3 millimeters in length and are reddish-brown or black in color. Although they are small, you can usually spot them if you look closely, especially when they are moving. Fleas are often seen jumping on pets, carpets, or furniture.