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Many of the bird species in the United States are good to have around. However, some birds, like pigeons and starlings, can become a serious nuisance in the wrong locations. All birds are federally protected in the United States except for pigeons, starlings, and sparrows.
Learn more below about common types of pest birds found across the country and our control methods for each type:
(Columba livia)
Protection Status: Not federally protected (Pest bird)
Bird control specialists at Ehrlich provide expert pigeon control solutions to protect your business and customers from these pest birds. Look out for the following pigeon infestation signs on your property, which may indicate a problem that requires professional help.
(Branta canadensis)
Protection Status: Federally protected
(Corvus and corvus corax)
Protection Status: Federally protected
(Passer domesticus)
Protection status: Not federally protected (Pest bird)
(Sturnus vulgaris)
Protection status: Not federally protected (Pest bird)
(Quiscalus quiscula)
Protection status: Federally protected
Length: 11” - 13.4”
Color: Appear black from a distance, but up close their glossy purple heads contrast with their bronze-iridescent body
Protection status: Federally protected
Cliff swallow: Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | Barn swallow: Hirundo rustica
Protection status: Federally protected
(Cathartes aura)
Protection status: Federally protected
Length: 25.2” - 31.9”
Color: Dark brown with a featherless, red head
Protection status: Federally protected
Length & Color: Come in many sizes and colors, but they share one common feature – a strong beak
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