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Types of Birds

Many of the bird species in the United States are good to have around. However, some birds, like pigeons and starlings, can become a serious nuisance pest in the wrong locations. Common signs of bird infestation include large amounts of droppings, nests in gutters or vents, and excessive noise. If you’re dealing with these issues, professional bird removal services can help address the problem effectively. All birds are federally protected in the United States except for pigeons, starlings, and sparrows.

Learn more below about common types of pest birds found across the country and our bird control methods for each type:




(Columba livia)
Protection Status: Not federally protected (Pest bird)

Pigeons are one of the most common and recognizable urban birds. Known for their adaptability, they have become prolific inhabitants of cities worldwide. 

Despite their reputation as an urban nuisance, these birds have fascinating traits and unique habits contribute to their survival in human-populated areas.


  • Length: 12 1/2" long
  • Color: Blue-grey in color (although other colors are common)

Pigeon control methods

  • Exclusion / netting
  • Trapping
  • UV repellents
  • Tactile / sensory perch modification

Risks to your business

  • Health & safety hazard - droppings can sometimes make sidewalks very slippery
  • Loss of customers - large quantities of droppings and the presence of pigeons on your property could put customers off from entering your facility
  • Loss of productivity - the diseases pigeons are known to carry could impact on your co-workers leading to illness and time off work
  • Drainage problems - nest debris and feathers can also block gutters and rainwater drainage systems, potentially leading to damage to your business from water penetration


Canadian geese

Canada geese

(Branta canadensis)
Protection Status: Federally protected

The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) is a widely recognized species known for its striking appearance and migratory behavior.

These large, waterfowl are often associated with parks, golf courses, and even urban environments, where they can become both a scenic addition and a nuisance.


  • Length: 2.5’ - 3.6’
  • Color: Black and white head and neck with a light tan body

Canada geese control methods

  • Fogging / misting / olfactory repellents
  • Applied repellents
  • Grid systems
  • Laser harassment
  • Canine harassment
Crows and Ravens

Crows and ravens

(Corvus and corvus corax)
Protection Status: Federally protected

Crows and ravens are two of the most intelligent bird species, often found in both rural and urban environments. 

With their striking black plumage and distinctive calls, these birds are often admired for their social structures and problem-solving abilities.



  • Length: 15.8” - 20.9”
  • Color: Black with an iridescent shine


  • Length: 22” - 27.2”
  • Color: Black

Crow and raven control methods

  • Exclusion / netting
  • UV repellents
  • Fogging / misting / olfactory repellents
  • Tactile / sensory perch modification
European house sparrow

European house sparrow

(Passer domesticus)
Protection status: Not federally protected (Pest bird)

The European house sparrow (Passer domesticus) is one of the most common and widespread birds across urban and rural landscapes.


  • Length: Less than 6"
  • Color: Females and young birds are pale brown and grey; males have grey, black, white, and brown markings

Common European house sparrow methods

  • Exclusion / netting
  • Interior removal / single bird traps / mist netting
  • Fogging / misting / olfactory repellents
  • Tactile / sensory perch modification
European Starlings

European starlings

(Sturnus vulgaris)
Protection status: Not federally protected (Pest bird)

The European starling is an aggressive, adaptable bird known for its large, noisy flocks and its widespread presence across urban and rural landscapes. 

While their graceful aerial displays are a fascinating sight, their behaviors often lead to significant agricultural and urban damage, especially in large flocks. 

Starlings are considered a pest bird due to their impact on crops, structures, and human activities.


  • Length: 7 1/2"–9"
  • Color: At first sight they appear to be plain black, but in the light, they may appear iridescent green or purple


  • Nest in natural hollows (trees, woodpecker holes), but can sometimes nest on structures
  • Typically two broods annually, four to six eggs per brood
  • Females sometimes lay eggs in another starling’s nest
  • An agricultural pest of standing crops, but will also flock into cities in large numbers
  • Recognized for their elaborate acrobatics in large flocks in the sky known as murmurations
  • Not particularly afraid of humans, so common in residential and urban areas
  • Problem hot spots: Agricultural areas, especially fields and vineyards, electrical and power structures, commercial buildings in cities.

To manage starling populations, a variety of methods can be used. These methods focus on exclusion, physical deterrents, and environmentally friendly repellents.

Starling control methods

  • Exclusion / netting
  • Interior removal / single bird traps / mist netting
  • UV repellents
  • Fogging / misting / olfactory repellents


(Quiscalus quiscula)
Protection status: Federally protected

Grackles are a common sight in both urban and rural areas, known for their large, noisy flocks and glossy, iridescent feathers. 

While they may appear as simple black birds from a distance, their striking color patterns and disruptive habits make them a concern for many property owners, particularly in agricultural and urban environments.


Length: 11” - 13.4”
Color: Appear black from a distance, but up close their glossy purple heads contrast with their bronze-iridescent body


  • Build nests in shrubs or trees
  • One brood annually, with four to five eggs per brood
  • Eat insects, seeds, crops, garbage, or any food scraps from humans
  • Destructive to corn crops
  • Gather in large flocks, creating extreme amounts of droppings and noise, which can be disruptive for businesses
  • Problem hot spots: Agricultural fields, lawns, outdoor dining areas, utility, power, communications and industrial facilities, waste management facilities, lumber yards, healthcare facilities, resorts

Grackle control methods

To manage grackle populations, various methods can be implemented to deter their presence and prevent them from causing damage.

  • Exclusion / netting -  Installing bird netting or other physical barriers around roosting sites can effectively block grackles from nesting in unwanted locations, such as on rooftops or in agricultural structures.
  • Laser harassment - Using lasers to create visual disturbances can help disorient and deter grackles from roosting in specific areas.


Protection status: Federally protected

Seagulls are often seen as a symbol of coastal life, commonly associated with beaches, docks, and harbors. However, their presence is not always welcome, especially when they invade urban and agricultural areas. 

Known for their aggressive scavenging behavior, seagulls are opportunistic feeders that thrive in human-inhabited areas. 

While many people find them charming by the sea, their loud calls and disruptive habits can make them a nuisance when they gather in large numbers.


  • Length: 2’ - 2.2’
  • Color: White head, tail, and underparts, with a light grey back and black-tipped wings


  • Nests on cliffs and buildings
  • Produce one clutch per year, typically with three eggs each, although some species can only produce one egg
  • Feed away from their roosting sites; omnivorous
  • Can be aggressive scavengers
  • Often found in coastal towns and cities (only a small number are recognized as being pest birds: the silver gull [Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae], the lesser-known black-backed gull [Larus fuscus] and the herring gull [Larus argentatus])
  • Problem hot spots: near dumpsters, outdoor dining areas, parking lots, rooftops, beaches, agriculture areas, athletic fields, airports

Seagull control methods

There are several methods available for managing seagull populations and mitigating their negative impact.

  • Exclusion / netting - These can block access to rooftops, ledges, or other potential nesting sites.
  • Grid systems - These systems work by creating an uneven surface that makes it difficult for the birds to settle.
  • Visual and audio deterrents- Devices like reflective tape, scare balloons, or distress calls can be used to create a sense of danger, deterring seagulls from frequenting an area.
  • UV repellents
  • Laser harassment - Lasers can be used to disrupt seagull behavior, especially when they are roosting or gathering in large numbers. The laser light can disorient and encourage them to leave the area.
Swallows Hirondelle


Cliff swallow: Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | Barn swallow: Hirundo rustica
Protection status: Federally protected

Swallows are often seen as a sign of spring, as they play a vital role in controlling insect populations. However, when they nest in inconvenient or problematic areas, they can become a nuisance, particularly around buildings and structures.


  • Length: 5”-7”
  • Color: Brightly colored blue, orange, gray, and white


  • Known for making mud nests which are usually attached to vertical surfaces under horizontal overhangs
  • Return to the same nesting area year after year
  • Cliff swallows prefer to nest in large colonies
  • Barn swallows build solitary nests
  • Cliff swallows typically have one brood per mating season with four to five eggs per brood
  • Barn swallows have up to two broods per season with three to seven eggs per brood
  • Problem hot spots: bridges and overpasses, culverts, barns or other high-ceilinged structures, sides of buildings, eaves

Swallow control methods

Swallow populations can be controlled through a variety of methods aimed at deterring nesting and encouraging them to relocate to more suitable areas. 

These methods are designed to be humane and effective without causing harm to the birds.

  • Exclusion / netting - These physical barriers prevent swallows from building their nests in the first place.
  • UV repellents - Swallows are sensitive to ultraviolet light, so UV repellents can be used to create a visual deterrent 
  • Fogging / misting / olfactory repellents - These methods use scents, either from predator smells or other aversive substances, to make the area less appealing to swallows.

Vultures (buzzards)

(Cathartes aura)
Protection status: Federally protected

Vultures, or buzzards, are large, scavenging birds of prey that play an important role in the ecosystem by cleaning up carrion. 

While these birds are valuable in nature for preventing the spread of disease, their tendency to perch in large groups on power lines and rooftops, coupled with their destructive habits, can create significant problems for property owners.

The Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) is the most common species found in the United States, and although it is federally protected, it can cause a great deal of damage to infrastructure and property.


Length: 25.2” - 31.9”
Color: Dark brown with a featherless, red head


  • Perch high up on power and communication structures and rooftops to spot food
  • One brood annually, usually one to three eggs
  • Carrion feeders that search for food from high above
  • Have a powerful chewing sense and will destroy rubber rooftop membranes, cables, wires, and equipment
  • Problem hot spots: Agricultural fields, orchards, athletic fields, parks, trash cans and dumpsters, waste management facilities, healthcare facilities, signage

Vulture control methods

Controlling vulture populations is essential to prevent damage to property and to reduce their impact on the local ecosystem. Several methods can be employed to deter vultures from roosting in specific areas.

  • Grid systems - These grids create an uneven surface that makes it difficult for vultures to land
  • Laser harassment (in select situations) - Laser systems can be used to deter vultures from gathering in certain areas by disorienting them and encouraging them to fly away. 

This method is typically used in sensitive environments where other control methods may be too disruptive.



Protection status: Federally protected

Woodpeckers are unique and industrious birds known for their ability to peck through wood in search of food or to communicate with other woodpeckers. 

These birds are essential to the ecosystem as they help control insect populations and create nesting cavities for other animals. 

However, when woodpeckers start hammering on buildings or trees in urban environments, they can cause significant damage. 

Managing woodpecker populations becomes crucial in areas where they are causing problems.


Length & Color: Come in many sizes and colors, but they share one common feature – a strong beak


  • Nest in tree hollows
  • One to two broods per year, with four to six eggs per brood depending on the species
  • Hammer on wood with their beak to attract a mate or drill into a surface to ferret out insects and insect larvae for food
  • Cause damage to structures, stucco, and landscaped trees
  • Problem hot spots: residential homes, hospitals, landscaped trees, any business with stucco siding

Woodpecker control methods

There are several methods to discourage woodpeckers from causing damage to properties. The most effective strategies focus on making the environment less attractive to them by using visual deterrents, sound, or repellents.

  • Visual and audio deterrents like reflective surfaces or distress calls or predator noises.
  • Fogging / misting / olfactory repellents.

These methods can be effective at making the area less inviting and encouraging the birds to move elsewhere.


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