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We’ve all been there – relaxing outside, enjoying the company of our family and friends while simultaneously (not) enjoying the company of mosquitoes. As we sit there constantly swatting at them or getting bitten by them, we’ve all wondered, ‘What exactly is the purpose of mosquitoes?’ Other than annoying you, of course, are there any other reasons mosquitoes exist?
Unfortunately for humans, mosquitoes surprisingly do have a purpose, as they play an important role in the ecosystem. So, while we all wish they could just go away, let’s try to appreciate the reasons they are here. Because if they weren’t, well, nature may look a little different.
Want to learn more about mosquitoes and our mosquito control? Contact us today!
It’s a question we get a lot in the pest control industry: why do mosquitoes exist? As we all know, mosquitoes are prolific and abundant. There are over 4,000 mosquito species in the world, but only a handful of these species bite humans or transmit diseases. Actually, about less than 100 mosquito species are problematic for humans. So, there has to be more to them, right?
Many people find them to be a nuisance, but as we stated above, mosquitoes do actually serve a purpose. Just as most nuisance pests have some sort of benefit, mosquitoes are beneficial to the survival of certain insects, pests, and even plants.
Mosquitoes play a crucial role in the ecosystem, with their largest purpose being that they are an important part of the food chain. Mosquitoes serve as a food source in all stages of life to many important animals, such as bats, birds, fish, reptiles, and other arthropods. Fish, for example, feed on mosquito larvae, and bats, birds, frogs, and lizards feed on adult mosquitoes.
Mosquito larvae are also important recyclers of organisms in the water, as the larvae excrete nutrients that are beneficial for plant growth. This brings us to our second benefit of mosquitoes: pollination. Similar to bees, mosquitoes are pollinators of plants. Though they may not have as critical of a role in the pollination world as bees do, there are some plants, like orchids, that highly depend on mosquitoes.
You may not think anything problematic would happen if mosquitoes went extinct, but remember, not all mosquitoes cause a problem. Getting rid of all mosquitoes would most likely have catastrophic effects on all life forms that benefit from them. Those that rely on them for a food source, such as fish, frogs, and lizards, would struggle when searching for food.
Without mosquitoes, thousands of plant species would lose their pollinators. Mosquitoes going extinct would affect the health and longevity of the plants that benefit from pollination, but fortunately, to a much lesser extent than those who rely on them for food.
Though there are benefits to mosquitoes, we understand that no one wants to be bothered by them while relaxing on a beautiful summer night. While you can reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard, you shouldn’t wish them away completely. It could be detrimental to the ecosystem if mosquitoes went extinct.
Our mosquito and tick control service will help to reduce the mosquito population in your yard. This service eliminates adult mosquitoes, controls young, developing mosquito larvae, and prevents mosquito reproduction. It also eliminates adult ticks and controls tick larvae and nymphs. Our mosquito and tick control service is a two-for-one deal and gives you bite-free summer nights.
Contact us today if there’s no purpose for mosquitoes in your yard!
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