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Spotted lanternfly control

Spotted lanternflies are a threat to agriculture in the Northeast as they feed on the sap of many trees and plants. The primary host tree for the spotted lanternfly is the Tree of Heaven, but this pest also feeds on over 70 types of plants including ornamental, woody, and fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, grains, and vines.
Spotted lanternflies used to only be a threat to farmers, but they have since migrated to residential areas. This invasive pest is a huge nuisance affecting not only our environment but also how we enjoy the outdoors.

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Control spotted lanternflies the Ehrlich way

Ehrlich’s spotted lanternfly control methods are effective both in the removal of spotted lanternflies from your yard and in preventing damage from spotted lanternflies to your property.
Prior to service, an Ehrlich Specialist will inspect your property, identifying and measuring the trees and vegetation that have been infested and that need to be treated. During service, your Specialist will apply treatment to the trunk and/or bark of the tree. This treatment will be absorbed and spread throughout the tree, preventing spotted lanternflies from infesting and damaging the tree. It will not harm any trees on your property.

After service, your Specialist will provide you with a documented report, including the locations of any egg masses and any host trees. If you have a host tree on your property, it is recommended that you remove it. Certain states and/or counties may have quarantine orders and permit requirements in place, so it is important to consult your state’s Department of Agriculture before you move anything that is infested with spotted lanternflies or their eggs.

Why do I need spotted lanternfly control?

If left untreated, spotted lanternflies can become a serious infestation, as they can reproduce quickly. This invasive pest can cause damage to your outdoor area, including your landscaping and trees. In addition to eating your plants, spotted lanternflies also leave behind sticky excrement that can attract other pests, including stinging insects and ants. This excrement can also produce a damaging mold that can cover your plants, outdoor furniture, cars, and anything else you have in your yard.

Spotted lanternfly treatment options

Ehrlich offers two spotted lanternfly treatments for residential properties – year-round or monthly. Both are effective for preventing damage to your trees, plants, and property.

Pricing for both services varies and can depend on:

  • Number of affected trees
  • Size of affected trees
  • Lot size

SpotGuard Seasonal Spotted Lanternfly Service

The seasonal spotted lanternfly service will help protect against spotted lanternflies all year long. This service is only offered in the spring and early summer (between April and July) when trees are actively growing.

SpotGuard Monthly Spotted Lanternfly Service

The monthly spotted lanternfly service helps to temporarily control spotted lanternfly populations. This service will help reduce infestation and damage to landscaping and gardens. Each treatment typically lasts between 2-4 weeks. Monthly treatment is required to maintain effective results and is conducted between July and October.

Where are spotted lanternflies found?

Spotted lanternflies are typically found in PennsylvaniaNew JerseyMaryland, and Delaware. Ehrlich services spotted lanternflies in these states, but they are more common in certain areas than in others. If you live in an area where you frequently see them, check out which branches near you provide spotted lanternfly control.

Frequently asked questions

What do spotted lanternflies look like?

The spotted lanternfly goes through a complete metamorphosis. Eggs are about 1” in size and can be a light gray to tan in color, resembling mud. Nymphs are ¼” to ½” in size and black with white spots or red with white spots and black stripes. In the adult stage, spotted lanternflies have a gray forewing with black spots, and red and black hind wings with black spots and white stripes.

Why are spotted lanternflies a problem?

If left untreated, the spotted lanternfly can reproduce rapidly, leaving risk for heavy infestation, and can damage your landscape and garden.

Should I kill spotted lanternflies?

Yes. If you find any spotted lanternflies themselves or their eggs on your property, destroy them immediately. Many states are working to stop the spread of this invasive species, as it is a threat to agriculture and various plants and trees. Contact us if you are experiencing an infestation of spotted lanternflies on your property.

Are spotted lanternflies harmful to humans?

Though they are not harmful to humans or animals, they can affect our quality of life outdoors. Spotted lanternflies are excellent hitchhikers and will use your outdoor items or your vehicle to get to their next location. Try to avoid parking under trees and put your windows up when parked outside.

What areas are spotted lanternflies most commonly found?

The spotted lanternfly is currently found in eight different states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

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