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The fly life cycle is similar to the life cycle of other insects. The fly life cycle goes as follows:
The warmer months are the optimal time for flies to reproduce. The life cycle can span over as little as 10 days. After mating, the male and female go their separate ways and once the eggs are laid, the females don’t care for their eggs. The female will only ensure the eggs are safe from predators have an an adequate food source.
A fly egg’s adequate food source is often decaying organic material. When the first larva emerge from the eggs, the larva are now maggots. Maggots are worm-like and use a tub as their mouth part to hook on and feed off their food source.
Maggots develop quickly and then molt. Molting is when an insect sheds its exoskeleton and grows a new one. Maggots perform this process two more times before the third molt.
During the third molt, the larva burrows itself into its food source and will enter the pupa stage. This is where the pupa develops body segments and grows into it’s final, adult form.
If you have a fly infestation, this cycle could be happening right in your home, and it's important to take action before the problem worsens.
The lifespan of a fly is quite short. The average housefly lifespan is about three months. Because flies have so many predators, like humans, their average lifespan is reduced.
But just because their lifespan is short that doesn’t mean their population is at risk. A female fly can lay up to 900 eggs in her lifetime.
While you definitely don't want flies in your home but they play an important role as scavengers in the environment. The fly life cycle consumes decaying organic material and allow other organisms and bacterial to break down the remaining material.
Predators such as birds, reptiles and other insects feed on flies and their larvae. Frozen housefly pupae is also used to feed pet spiders.
However, flies are attracted to decaying food, garbage, and other organic matter, which is why they often find their way into your home. Understanding what attracts flies can help you reduce their presence. Flies and their larvae belong in the ecosystem, not in your home. Find out ways you can keep flies out of your home with our fly control tips.
If you're struggling with drain flies, it may be time to call a drain flies exterminator. Call your local Ehrlich Pest Control specialist. Your Ehrlich Pest Control specialist will devise a comprehensive fly control plan to remove and prevent flies from returning. Call 800-837-5520 or contact us online.